Build from source

It is recommended to use pre-built production binaries when running a trading post.

In order to build a trading post from source, make sure you have git and node installed on your machine.

Clone the repo and make it your working directory

git clone
cd trading-post

Using your favourite package manager, download the required dependencies


Now, it's time to build the trading post! It is as simple as:

yarn prod

Awesome! You've successfully built the trading post! It is now avaliable at ./dist/verto.js

Make sure to create a verto.config.json for your trading post. See Configuration for more information.

and finally start the trading post! 🙂

node ./dist/verto.js --key-file /path/to/your/keyfile.json

Now, you can sit back and relax while the trading post greets you with some colourful logs.